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FLAT RATE SHIPPING - For orders of up to 2 units
International orders to email for custom shipping rate

of every purchase back to the community club
Ice N Easy pride ourselves on providing the highest quality in everything we do, including our products, customer service and now community programs to support sporting clubs across the country. Sporting clubs, now more than ever are an integral aspect of any persons balance in life and its only right that we try and assist with getting your members back on the field, court or oval whilst attempting to support the club the best we can.
Enable player recovery and receive financial support for your club
Ice N Easy is reusable ice bag and strap used as part of the RICER principal providing cold therapy and compression to acute soft tissue injuries such as muscle strains, joint sprains, inflammation, tendinopathy, muscle soreness and recovery. The reusable ice bag comes with a 3 year warranty and an expected life span of 10+ years. Used by Australian athletes all over the world, the Ice N Easy achieves temperatures below 7 degrees for the entirety of the icing experience whilst providing prevention from ice burn enabling effective and professional recovery.

How INE CLub support works
Register your club using the registration form below
INE verifies registration and coupon code with confirmation email containing marketing materials for your club
Promote program to your club for and receive 15% from every purchase using your clubs elected coupon code.
Marketing Information
Club Support program guide
Terms and conditions
Printable poster
Ice N Easy club support Logo
How to enter coupon code
Professional teams using Ice N Easy

New Zealand All Blacks Rugby Union
ACT Brumbies Rugby Union
Melbourne Rebels Rugby Union
Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs Rugby League
Northern Pride Rugby League
Sunshine Coast Lightning Netball
Sydney Swifts Netball
Diving Australia
Australian Rugby Union
Football Federation Australia (All Teams)
Club committee members are encouraged to complete this registration. If a non committee member completes the registration, it will be accepted how not verified until the committee have agreed to the
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